Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Pressure Ink Printers

Austin Tothen

Different Types Of Printing

     Relief Printing

     When you are relief printing basically what you do is cut out or carve out a drawing that you want to print; typically with wood or a hard substance. After you have cut out the picture you want to press ink into the peace of wood. After you have ink equally spread out on the wood then you place a peace of paper on it and press lightly on the paper with something that has a flat surface.


Intaglio Printing

     Intaglio Printing is were you take a sheet of metal and make really small  sketches in it by scraping it with different tools. The different tools do different things some make large scrapes and some make really small one that help with small details. With intaglio printing you need to pay close attention to details because the way it comes out you can see it very clearly and it is easy to see the mistakes. Anyways after you sketched your picture out you clean it off a lot of times and make sure its smooth and shiny. after you have the mettle done you apply ink onto it and place paper on it then use a machine to apply a lot of pressure on it.


Lithography  Printing

     With this kind of printing there is a very long process in doing it first you need a specific stone that can absorb water and oils (you can use lime stone). What you want to do is draw you picture on the stone once you do that layer the stone with specific chemicals and do that over and over again, then apply water and grease over and over again then add a chemical that can separate water and ink and then apply ink and place paper on it and yep you guessed it press hard and there you go you did it.


  • Image result for relief printing on clay
    (This is what I kind of looked like.)
         I personally have done some Relief printing in the past. when I was in 8th or 7th grade I was in an art class and we took these weird things that felt like erasers and we carved out images and took ink and lathered it on them afterword's we put it on paper and for our final project we printed them on clay boxes we had to make when the clay was still wet and we burned them after words making a glaze like paint of then box with the design on them mine was broken in the kennel because it wasn't properly glued together so I only took home one side of it I wish I had a picture but sadly I don't. if I had to do another kind of print like these I would defiantly do another Relief print but this wood this time.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Austin Tothen

Panorama Project

My Panorama Project was very difficult in many aspects of the creation so don't hate on it too much please and thank you. Anyways this is my Panorama of things. Step 1. take pictures step 2. put them in photoshop. step 3. do the thing ( make it look good).

The hardest part of this project was probably taking pictures. The pictures were hard to take because you didn't really have much to go off of you had to come up with your own ideas and figure it out your own way. If you cant tell already it was really hard for me to come up with the ideas and take pictures of things actually more then half of these photos are ones that i found of my phone that i had taken before this project. The base number of photos we had to have was 10 pictures which made it even harder to do. so most of mine are just random photos that i somehow fit together. I think.

When i was originally was making this i had no clue what i was going to do but as is was going through this i just kinda messed with it until i got an outcome that i liked. there are some things that probably could have been better now when i look at it. so if you want me to fix some stuff im looking for things to change so just tell me. basically i had to make these pictures fit together so that it didnt look like a different picture and make it seamless. i really like what i did with the trees and the sunrise on a beach and the streets connected with the dog in the middle and now thats not my dog its a friends. any who the things that i think that could have done better with the Enterprise but i didnt really know hot to do the lighting for it honestly i really just put it in there so add more pictures because ten is a lot for the amount of pictures to take by our selves that dont have people.

  Photo Portfolio Part 1: Sophomore Year College, Video and Photography Class.